One of my best mates used to work for a small finance
company, It was very handy for me because you could actually speak to the Boss
there, and they used to underwrite business that other companies wouldn’t take
There was no way of overriding the computer If someone failed on our mainstream finance lenders credit scoring system, but if they were marginal fails, or they had a reasonable excuse my friends Boss would way up the situation and make a decision based on Human Logic and not Computer Binary Code.
There was no way of overriding the computer If someone failed on our mainstream finance lenders credit scoring system, but if they were marginal fails, or they had a reasonable excuse my friends Boss would way up the situation and make a decision based on Human Logic and not Computer Binary Code.
Their Finance company was an invaluable asset to me and In
return for them lending my customers money, I would lend them a hand if they
had to repossess any cars in my area, it always took at least 2 people and the
person who usually accompanied my mate was suffering from the car repossessor’s the equivalent of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
So as not to waste the Police’s time when we were
snatching a car we would always call at the local Station and warn them that we
were going to get a car from a certain person at a certain address, just in
case they reported the car stolen and the Police went on a wild goose chase, we
would also put a repossession notice through the owner’s door.
I have to say that my friend was a very nice guy and if
the person who was in arrears had a genuine reason or even a semi-plausible story
we would always give them more time to pay, once the customer was so skint they
couldn’t afford to put fuel in the car so we gave them a lift to work in ours, in
some cases even though we were under strict orders to get the vehicle, he would
give the owner more time and tell his
boss that we couldn’t find them.
The guy I was standing in for was a very inoffensive guy,
he was never antagonistic or threatening in any way if things looked like they
were going to get rough they called in another specialised “firm” so he should
never have been in harm’s way, but he had had a couple of very close calls, the
first being when they had recovered a car from the end of a long driveway, they
had pushed it down the drive without starting the engine, and then he sneaked
back up the drive to post the termination notice.
The letterbox was about a foot from the bottom of the
door, he pushed the flap in very carefully trying not to make a noise and alert
the occupants, when all of a sudden the door flew open, and a woman hit him
over the head with a hand brush, almost losing consciousness he collapsed to
the floor, then she slammed the door in his face.
That was pretty much all in a day’s work, but a few weeks
later he was on a fairly routine call to an address in a rather rough part of
Manchester, he knocked on the door to talk to the owner and try and get either cash
or a cheque for the customer's finance arrears, the door opened about 3 inches
which was as wide as the safety chain would let it, the rep was satisfied that this meant that the Cyclops who was peering
through the gap couldn’t suddenly swing the door open and hit him with a brush.
He felt relatively safe as he politely and apologetically
explained that if the customer missed any more payments he would be in “danger”
of having his car repossessed, unfortunately for the rep the gap in the door
was just wide enough to fit the barrel of a shotgun through and now there was
one pointing right between his eyes, Cyclops said “Really, well you’re in “Danger”
of getting your head blown off so what are you going to do now ? “ the rep put
his hands in the air and inched backward down the garden path, when he was
level with the concrete wall he dropped to the ground and crawled back to his
car like he was on an Army Assault course.
We had called several times to try and collect a payment
from this particular customer, but he made it clear that he had no intention of
paying, and as nice as my mate was, he was losing his patience and so was I,
arrears calls had to be made when the customer was at home and that usually
meant it was after office hours, and trying to find where this customer was hiding
his car at night was seriously interfering with our social life.
The customers who knew their car was about to be
repossessed would often park them away from their homes so as they couldn’t be located,
but what they mostly forgot was that when they applied for finance they would
have to give the name and address of their employers so we knew where he
worked, we were sat across the road and could see his car was parked in the
first employee space right next to the office block, there were 2 visitors
spaces but there were no cars in them to shield us from view.
The front of the office overlooked the car park and it
was made completely of glass, no bricks, no waist-high windows, all glass and
all the desks were facing forwards towards the car park, it wasn’t going to be
easy to get the car without being seen and lynched by his fellow workers, who
would probably think that we were trying to steal it.
When the dealers filled in the finance document under the
vehicle details section was a space for the Key Number, dealers by definition
are very lazy and aren’t very imaginative so most of them just made up a number,
invariable it was AB1234, but this one looked like an authentic Mazda number so
we may just be in luck. The local Mazda Dealer didn’t have the correct blank in
so we had to resort to the hit or miss Acme key cutting stall on Blackburn Market,
It needed to be a slick operation as we would only get one chance to snatch the
car and I would have to be very quick.
Our main worry was that the key wouldn’t fit properly and
we would be spotted struggling to try to open the door, so we drove onto the
car park into the visitor's space next to the Mazda, the receptionist was only a
few feet away from us on the other side and was naturally curious as to who we
were. My mate held his briefcase up and obscured her view while he pretended to
be looking for something, I wound my window down and reached over inserting our
freshly cut key into the driver's lock of the Mazda, it was a miracle that the
market cut key worked but it did and I saw the button inside flick up.
I jumped into the driver’s seat and my mate reversed his
car off the car park, the key fit perfectly in the door but the car must have
had a new ignition lock fitted at some time, although
the key went in easy enough there was no way I could get it to turn, I had
about 30 seconds to switch the ignition on before the alarm would go off, I
should have aborted our mission and jumped out straight away but I persevered
with the key until the klaxon of the alarm sounded and alerted everyone in the building to my presence, all the women rushed to the window and were staring at me, while all the men in the glass-fronted
office was running for the exit and to get me. I didn’t think the Lynch Mob would give me time enough
to explain, so I took a bow towards my female audience, then I legged it like Billy Whiz.
I wasn’t there a few weeks later when Shotgun Charlie’s car
was repossessed so let’s just say that this isn’t true, I can’t swear it happened
like this and I am not sure that I should even be repeating it if it did, but
this was “The Good Old Days” and it also makes for a good end to my story.
For the tough cases when there was likely to be some “Barney
Rubble” the cockney specialist
repossessor’s from “The Smoke” were called in, this was long time before privacy glass became
de rigueur but they turned up in a black car with blacked-out windows, a
gentleman dressed in a very expensive suit,
and who I think Vinny Jones must have taken acting lessons from got out
of the Jaguar XJ 6 walked down the path with his clipboard looking like he was
there to do a survey, he knocked on the
door then took a step back, as soon as it opened on the safety chain and
Cyclops peered through the gap, he kicked the door in, ripping the chain out of the frame and
flooring the guy who was standing behind it, stepping into the hallway he picked
up the shotgun, ejected the cartridges and said “We can do this the easy way, or the hard
Barrie Crampton
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